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ACU 2021 ~ Coronavirus & Autism

Coronavirus & Autism ~ Telehealth ABA during COVID-19

& other Resources

The Utah Department of Health has updated their ABA resources page to include provider who are offering Telehealth during COVID-19. Click here for more information: Providers.pdf


Tools to Help Students during COVID ~ UDDC (Utah Developmental Disabilities Council)

The start of the school year can be exciting, but sometimes stressful. This year brings added challenges to students, especially children with disabilities and their families.


There are many resources available to support families and students with disabilities to help access education supports and advocacy strategies to ensure students with disabilities receive an appropriate education during the recovery from COVID-19.

DSPD Resource Page The Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) created a guidance document to help individuals with disabilities and their families decide whether to return to an in-person school environment this year. It includes a list of questions, helpful information, and resources to consider when making decisions about going back to school.

Click here to see the DSPD Guidance Document.


Utah Assistive Technology Teams The fundamental goal of UATT is to provide assistance for improving the lives of children and adults living with disabilities by introducing people to the many ways computer technology can enhance their jobs, careers, and education. UATT offers the following services: Free consultations (please call ahead for an appointment); Workshops; Adaptive and only Technology Information; and Augmentative Communication Loan Program.

To complete a UATT Referral Form, click here. Contact Kent Remund (801-887-9533) or Austin Oseguera (801-887-9534). By appointment only. Utah 211 Stay Safe Stay Connected Resources

Stay Safe, Stay Connected is a program, in collaboration with the Utah State Board of Education, dedicated to helping Utah students who have experienced the most school disconnect since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The goal is to connect more students and their families with resources that will help them be ready for the new school year.


Resources Include:

• Education Resources • Mentors and Tutors • Internet and Technology •

• School Supplies • Rent & Utility Assistance • Food Pantry Referrals • More •


Click here to visit the Utah 211 Website


Advocacy Resources

What can you do to advocate for your student?

  • Speak up for your child and teach your child to speak up for themself. It’s ok to say something if you are worried or have concerns. Advocate in a way that is comfortable for you and your child; talk to the teacher, call your Principal, take your issue to the School Board

  • Know where to find resources that are available for your student. The Utah Parent Center has parent consultants that work with school districts and can help. To contact a District Consultant call 801.272.1051 or 1.800.468.1160. To find out more about supporting your student’s Individualized Education Program visit the Utah Parent Center website (click here).

  • Know the acts, laws and regulations that protect and support students with disabilities:

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (Click here to learn more)

  • Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Funding, which allocated about $13.2 billion to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. Utah received $67,821,787 in ESSER Funding. The Utah State Board of Education(USBE) will reserve $6,782,179 to support statewide needs or specific needs within the state. Some of the allowable uses of the funds include:

  • Activities to address the unique needs of students living in conditions of poverty, students with disabilities, students learning English, students experiencing homelessness, students who are refugees, and youth in foster care.

  • Planning for and coordinating during long-term closures, including providing meals to eligible students, technology for online learning to all students, how to provide guidance for carrying out requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and how to ensure other educational services can continue to be provided consistent with all Federal, State, and local requirements.

  • Purchasing educational technology (including hardware, software, and connectivity) for students to interact with their classroom instructors, including low-income students and students with disabilities, which may include assistive technology or adaptive equipment.

  • Providing mental health services and supports.



CARES Act Provider Relief Fund: For Providers


Supporting individuals with Autism during uncertain times

Soft School Closures and Students with Disabilities Emergency Home School/Parent Resources How to talk to your anxious child or teen about Coronavirus


Covid Journaling



Coronavirus tool kit during lockdown



Coronavirus Social Story for individuals with autism



Autism Speaks ~ Coronavirus Information & Resources



Child Mind Institute ~ Supporting children with autism during the coronavirus outbreak



Kids Health ~ Coronavirus: helping with autism cope



John Hopkins Medicine

~ Coronavirus coping tips for parents of children with autism



Psychology Today ~ Coping with coronavirus for autism families



Autism Society ~ Response & Resources


Social Stories ~


       Have A Question?
Please take a look at our resource page.  If you can not find what you are looking for or have additional questions we can be reached at:


Autism Council of Utah
6232 South 900 East

Murray, Utah 84121




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This website is supported by funds generously received from the Utah Autism Specialty Plate grant fund.

Please contact Jessica Kerr if you would like to be added to our resources or find any misinformation.

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All information provided on the ACU Web site is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between the ACU and any person or entity unless otherwise specified. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the ACU. Information on the ACU website is subject to change without prior notice. Although every reasonable effort is made to present current and accurate information, the ACU makes no guarantees of any kind.

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